Thursday, April 29, 2010

IN FLIGHT (Poem 27)

Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago

O! Magnanimous Pathways of my flight
You are all so many and arduously long!

Please promise me, sweet journeytrails
That I shall find the elusive gifts
That have been offered to me
By cosmic engineers.

I shall stumble upon the hidden places
Upon the caves of treasures

That allow me the luxury to share
More endowments to my fellowmen.

Character, talents, abilities:
These are but specks of said gifts.
Filled am I enormously with gratitude
For having been licensed to possess them.
Yet more there are.

A puzzle shall be solved soon:
How can all men & women procure such riches.

[Writ. 05 Sept. 1987, Univ. of the Philippines, Quezon City, M.Manila.]

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