Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago
Shooting wild boar can be exhilarating yet funny
But shooting a wild mother sow could bother conscience
Twas on my second return to southern California in 2001
That my sibling Emerald and myself went out to hunt
For wild game/pig to gun down and take home as meat
In a southern California hilly area did we go to
Paid the fee we parked the Bronco on ground
Then walked a-zigzag downhill curving in the way
Slowly we walked downwards yet till I sensed a presence
By my mystical faculties I knew our hunt was there
And indeed upon turning right downwards there it was
A family with sow suckling its baby pigs
Hurrying up yet slowly walking onwards
Bro Emerald aimed to shoot at the sow
Taking just a shot to execute the hunt twas over
At once the sow fell while the baby pigs scampered
Then the small truck of the game area owner arrived
There we loaded the felled sow as we drove along
Upon transferring the game to our Bronco
We went home feeling both victorious and guilty
So healthy a meat it was to recall
Of pork with nary a fat to parlay its skin underneath
Exquisitely tasty we gradually consumed it for two weeks
Even as we gave many a piece to family friends
And partying we too barbecued some of it
To go along with tequila and Tecate beers
[Philippines, 28 July 2011]
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Social Blogs:
IKONOKLAST: http://erleargonza.blogspot.com
UNLADTAU: http://unladtau.wordpress.com
Wisdom/Spiritual Blogs:
COSMICBUHAY: http://cosmicbuhay.blogspot.com
BRIGHTWORLD: http://erlefraynebrightworld.wordpress.com
Poetry & Art Blogs:
ARTBLOG: http://erleargonza.wordpress.com
ARGONZAPOEM: http://argonzapoem.blogspot.com
Mixed Blends Blogs:
@MULTIPLY: http://efdargon.multiply.com
@FRIENDSTER: http://erleargonza.blog.friendster.com
@SOULCAST: http://www.soulcast.com/efdargon