Monday, November 16, 2015



Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago

Catching as many dolphins and whales
They gleefully do with boisterous fun reverb
Bulging pockets they ready post-kill phonies
For the pouring thereafter of torrential monies

Sperm whales belugas orcas and all
Slaughtered are they for wax or meat
Likened to cows and tuna for dining tables
Greedy folks and merchants they to hunt
In all Earth’s corners true predators come
For the catch the prize of gory greed

Let it be declared in sonorous thunder
That all slaughterers of dolphins & whales
Are deeds of sacrificing life for Moloch
Mammon Ashtaroth bursting with gaiety
For those evil puppets of theirs slay
In their names come dirty slayers’ fun
And making no penitent for their slothful crime
Shall same folks be meted penalties so grime
For which they shall pay with gruesome kill
By the Overlords of Light a-thundering cometh

No quarters shall be brooked upon them killers
And same goes true for their dark evil masters
When life on them turns out they’d nowhere fly
Except to perish all as fumes consumed by flame

[Philippines, 03 May 2010]

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