Monday, August 3, 2015



Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago

In the name of the Father (Jesuit Order)
Of the Son (students/constituencies)
And of the Holy Ghost (Jesuit fascism)

If an alumnus Son is found to plagiarize
Kilometric lines of verbiage from famed denizens
Isn’t this a natural offshoot of the granite fact
That Father begets Son in his own image?
As any fascistic Father begets fascistic Sons
Likewise do plagiarizing Fathers
Beget plagiarizing Sons?

Can Jesuit schools indeed stand up as high esteemed
As atheneums of antiquity in the glory that was Greece?
Or it is more a mask that predatory pretenders don
Concealing thus the commissions of evil abominations
For weren’t the Jesuits those demonic assassins
Come to slaughter?
Those who depart from papal influence
Slayed by their idiotic blunder?

How many more will Jesuits subtly burn
To Hell those Herds of studes who to them turn
For sublime learning like famed Dr. Rizal?
How many more burnt at stake
In Jesuitical altars of ultimate power?

[Philippines, 14 April 2010]

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