Wednesday, August 10, 2016




Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago



How wonderful it is to travel rounds of holy Earth

Integral it is to staff & boss work of a young man

Came early ’81 and again couples of times in ‘82

Made rounds of Flora & Luna towns of Apayao

Plus Tabuk, Pudtol & Conner towns of Kalinga


Two tribes plus Ilocano migrants to immerse with

In sturdy Kalinga-Apayao that used to be one

Chat with folks to share info and gather facts too

Likewise to pay visit to Kalinga bosses & personnel

Spiced our travels were at times with pinikpikan

Delicacies blended with Kalinga oranges and coffees

Going home at times to carry along banglan pieces

For growth of ferns & special herbs it was


My anthropological instincts came satiated too

By peace pacts and tribal talks thereat

As it was by sights of topless women in full breasts

Beads and treasured metals ornaments to bodies

Kept tab of memories for future graduate studies


Kalinga d’ Pinikpikan it was to be

Or Pinikpikan d’ kalinga if you choose this line

Ensconced in my memory banks to stay forever

Enamored of sturdy Igorot tribes scions of Malay Mu

Will I hope to be as sturdy as them for future roles

As guardian-Elder of the holy Earth


[Philippines, 02 April 2011]




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