Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago
If you enthused trav’ler o’ life truly seeks
For prosperity’s gains abundance showers
Think that life’s journey is a stairway climb
Where there beyond the steps is where you go
Perturb be not with sights of past a-flow
With one covered by past glories a-glow
The other eye bandaged in past pains a-crow
For being so glued to thy ancient past
Will you fail to step up stairs in swave vogue
Take note of pasts as files to archive behind
Your eyes ought focus only on the destination
One eye to concentrate on stairway’s end
The other eye to watch the steps you traverse
The ones who regale in the past so glued to
End up in mediocre feats of simpletons
While those who transfix focus on their big dreams
Are smartened toughies success brews
[Philippines, 24 April 2010]